You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' ~~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
The first full moon of 2010
will appear tonight, Jan. 29, 2010,
but it will also be the biggest and brightest
full moon of the year.
It's even been called the
And for all of those Martian Fans,
Look for a reddish, star-like object to the
left of the Moon, and you will find Mars!
So the question still remains...
Does the Full Moon
cause People to go Crazy?
There are some people that believe the
strange stories (mostly rumors) about the
extreme behavior that exists amoung animals
extreme behavior that exists amoung animals
and human beings during a full moon.
Scienctific studies over the years have tried to
Scienctific studies over the years have tried to
prove that the unexplained phenomena is tied to
the Moon during it's Full Lunar Phase.
more births, deaths,
suicides, heart attacks, epileptic
seizures, double the hospital admissions,
quadruple the psychiatric hospital admissions,
many more criminials arrested, more occurring
violence, more murders take place, thus creating
more murderers! Is there any evidence that can
really prove that the reports of the "Crazy"
Connection" has anything to do with the
Full Moon and the extreme, bizarre
behaviors listed here?
Acclaim, have all reported that all of the
data that has been vigorously studied over the past
100 years, states that there is no significant increase
of extreme and bizarre behavior or instances of crime
and violence that could be connected to the lunar phase
of the Full Moon has been proven to be justifiably
coincedental, purely speculation, or simply
superstition. The scientific facts remain.
So, there is no such thing as the
"Full Moon Crazy's" !!
suicides, heart attacks, epileptic
seizures, double the hospital admissions,
quadruple the psychiatric hospital admissions,
many more criminials arrested, more occurring
violence, more murders take place, thus creating
more murderers! Is there any evidence that can
really prove that the reports of the "Crazy"
Connection" has anything to do with the
Full Moon and the extreme, bizarre
behaviors listed here?
Scientists and other
Reputed Professionals of Historic Acclaim, have all reported that all of the
data that has been vigorously studied over the past
100 years, states that there is no significant increase
of extreme and bizarre behavior or instances of crime
and violence that could be connected to the lunar phase
of the Full Moon has been proven to be justifiably
coincedental, purely speculation, or simply
superstition. The scientific facts remain.
So, there is no such thing as the
"Full Moon Crazy's" !!
Or Is There???
Lawrence Talbot, a haunted nobleman lured back
to his family estate after his brother vanishes.
to his family estate after his brother vanishes.
The Wolfman synopsis reveals that as he
is reunited with his estranged father,
Talbot sets out to find his brother
and discovers a horrifying destiny for himself.
As The Wolfman plot unfolds and he pieces
together the gory puzzle, he hears of an
together the gory puzzle, he hears of an
ancient curse that turns the afflicted into
werewolves when the moon is full.
Now, if he has any chance at ending the
slaughter and protecting the woman he has
slaughter and protecting the woman he has
grown to love, Talbot must destroy the vicious
creature in the woods surrounding Blackmoor.
creature in the woods surrounding Blackmoor.
But as he hunts for the nightmarish beast,
The Wolfman synopsis reveals that a simple
man with a tortured past will uncover a primal
side to himself . . . one he never imagined existed.
Be Forewarned:
Stay inside your house tonight and keep
all of your windows and doors locked!
News clip and Full Moon Picture:
Picture and film plot of "The Wolfman":
Other "The Wolfman" pictures:
Sunday, January 3, 2010
HaPpY **sPoOkY** NEw YeAr!!
The theme is:
"hApPy **SpOokY** NEw YeAr"
Have a great week and thank you for visiting my site!!
The background came from Freubal's Freebies
Friday, January 1, 2010
Darkness Inspiration Challenge
The Theme for the Darkness Challnege is:
"Creepy X-Mas"
Thank you, Nans!
for your
"Creepy Challenges"
that have been so much fun!!
for your
"Creepy Challenges"
that have been so much fun!!
Can't wait to see what you
will come up with in 2010!!
will come up with in 2010!!
I wish you a very Happy New Year
filled with many blessings and much happiness!
Hugs, Dulcamara
(aka. Kym Decker)
Some of the clip art in this image came from
Freubel's Freebies!
Freubel's Freebies!
Thank you Rian!
***** Rian at
has some "fabulous free clip art" and a wonderful blog that is jam-packed with her amazing art work and savvy computer tutorials!
Go check out her blog today and see all of the neat stuff she has there for you to discover!! This is not a blog to glance at...expect to stay there for hours as you visit page after page of unique treasures!!
Rian, here's wishing you a very Happy New year!!
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Life Is A Witch And Then You Fly!

My Steampunk Name
The Poem "Dark Rosaleen"
O my Dark Rosaleen, Do no sigh, do not weep! The priests are on the ocean green, they march along the Deep. There's wine from the royal Pope upon the ocean green; and Spanish ale shall give you hope, My Dark Rosaleen! My own Rosaleen! Shall glad your heart, shall give you hope, Shall give you health, and help, and hope, My Dark Rosaleen.
Over hills and through dales have I roamed for your sake; all yesterday I sailed with sails on river and on lake. The Erne at its highest flood I dashed across unseen, For there was lightning in my blood, My Dark Rosaleen! My own Rosaleen! Oh! there was lightning in my blood, Red lightning lightened through my blood,
My Dark Rosaleen!
All day long in unrest to and fro do I move, The very soul within my breast Is wasted for you,love! The heart in my bosom faints to think of you, my Queen, My life of life, my saint of saints, My Dark Rosaleen! My own Rosaleen! To hear your sweet and sad complaints, My life, my love, my saint of saints,
My Dark Rosaleen!
Woe and pain, pain and woe, are my lot night and noon, To see your bright face clouded so, like to the mournful moon. But yet will I rear your throne again in golden sheen;'Tis you shall reign, shall reign alone, My Dark Rosaleen! My own Rosaleen! 'Tis you shall have the golden throne,'Tis you shall reign, and reign alone, My Dark Rosaleen!
Over dews, over sands will I fly for your weal; your holy delicate white hands shall girdle me with steel. At home in your emerald bowers,from morning's dawn till e'en, you'll pray for me, my flower of flowers, My Dark Rosaleen! My fond Rosaleen! You'll think of me through Daylight's hours, My virgin flower, my flower of flowers, My Dark Rosaleen!
I could scale the blue air, I could plough the high hills, Oh, I could kneel all night in prayer, to heal your many ills! And one beamy smile for you would float like light between my toils and me, my own, my true, My Dark Rosaleen! My fond Rosaleen! Would give me life and soul anew, A second life, a soul anew,
My Dark Rosaleen!
O! the Erne shall run red with redundance of blood, The earth shall rock beneath our tread, and flames wrap hill and wood, and gun-peal, a slogan cry, wake many a glen serene, ere you shall fade, ere you shall die, My Dark Rosaleen! My own Rosaleen! The Judgment Hour must first be nigh,ere you can fade, ere you can die, My Dark Rosaleen!